John Deere Z740R Zero-Turn Mower Review

John Deere Z740R Zero-Turn Mower Review

[proscons] For a professional cut, you need a high-performance lawn mower like the John Deere Z740R. This machine is equipped with a 48 “, 54” and 60 “cutting deck, making it very compact for storage and easy to slide between…

Troy-Bilt TB 220 Gas Lawn Mower Review

Troy-Bilt TB 220 Gas Lawn Mower Review

[proscons] The Troy-Bilt TB220 is a self-propelled lawnmower ideal for small and medium-sized construction sites. The mower is characterized by a very light construction and high cutting performance. It is equipped with an OHV engine with a 159 cc front-wheel…

Troy-Bilt TB30 R Riding Lawn Mower Review

Troy-Bilt TB30 R Riding Lawn Mower Review

[proscons] The Troy-Bilt TB30 R Neighborhood Rider is one of the best lawn mowers you can buy. The powerful TB30 R is powered by a 420cc Troy-Bilt engine making it the epitome of efficiency. This lawnmower has a 6-speed transmission…

Lawn-Boy 17734 Gas Lawn Mower Review

Lawn-Boy 17734 Gas Lawn Mower Review

[proscons] The Kohler XT-6 engine in which this unit is incorporated has an OHV design to save fuel. The 149cc y-axis has a maximum net torque of 5.9 lbs at 2600 revolutions per minute. Intelligent choke technology automatically adjusts the…